A lengthy, complex storyline then unfolds, featuring political intrigue, conflict between the people of Earth and Mars, more conflict with Maria's sentient natives and probably a lot of fast-travelling. In Story Mode, the player takes the role of a stranded colonist who has been thrown in at the deep end when their starship was struck by a mysterious object, forcing the crew to abandon ship and make a rather 'dramatic' landing in the escape shuttles. The game is set on the planet Maria, an earth-like planet in the Epsilon Indi system. Online multiplayer was available until the developers lost the netcode to a malware attack.Īfter a Kickstarter campaign and over two years in Early Access, Planet Explorers has been officially released on November 8, 2016. The game allows players to create custom vehicles, weapons, tools, armour, turrets, robots and static ornaments and use them in-game, and even use a separate tool to create their own planets with custom quests and environments. Planet Explorers, by Pathea Games, is a sci-fi voxel-based Survival Sandbox game with RPG elements, featuring a lengthy storyline and a procedurally generated adventure mode.